Sunday, August 26, 2012

Conference 2012 - Quaker Ridge Lowdown

Quaker Ridge Hawkwatch - Jeff Cordulack
I was excited to learn that the HMANA Conference will be coming to my home town hawkwatch this season at Quaker Ridge in Greenwich CT. The facilities down at Audubon Greenwich are fantastic, and the watch itself is pretty nice as wellBest of all it's very accessible. As much as I know some of you love hiking two miles up hill to get to a watch, this one requires little more than rolling out of your car.

It'll also be exciting to introduce people to some of the other local birding hotspots including a field trip to the excellent Lighthouse Point Hawkwatch in East Haven and Chestnut Ridge, which is just a stone's throw across the border in New York state. If people are thinking of making a long weekend of it, I'm more than happy to share thoughts and advice on where to bird, eat and visit in the local area, so do feel free to drop me a line at  You can also get information on my blog about hawkwatching basics in Connecticut ( and in the links section also find a map to some of the birding hotspots in the local area, which might help you plan your visit. It's also worth checking out the Connecticut Ornithological Association's website, which has lots about state birding and a helpful seasonal guide  

Quaker Merlin - Luke Tiller
If you are counting down the days to the festival, you might also want to add this date to your diary--September 30. On that date Julie Brown (Monitoring Site Coordinator at HMANA) will be appearing on BirdCallsRadio. One of North America's only dedicated birding radio shows is based right across town from here in Greenwich CT but covers the world of birds and birding across North America (and the globe). Previous guests have included luminaries from the world of birding as well as yours truly talking about hawkwatching You can visit their blog and listen to other archived interviews at

Quaker Sandhill Cranes - Ken Mirman
I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

Luke Tiller, Official Hawkwatcher, Audubon Greenwich

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