As time permits, I’ve been reading Don Scott’s The Hen Harrier: In the Shadow of the
Slemish, a very accessible book about the author’s studies of Hen Harrier Circus
cyaneus in Northern Ireland. While many experts no longer consider the
eurasian Hen Harrier to be conspecific with our Northern Harrier C. hudsonius
(most published sources on this side of the moat still regard it a
subspecies of C. cyaneus, but see: Simmons 2000), I think the book would
be enjoyed by most North American readers.
While the author often comes back to the topic of harrier pairs tree
nesting in Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis stands in County Antrim, which is
remarkable in itself, I found myself intrigued by the supporting evidence he
offered that Hen Harrier might also hunt nocturnally. The owl-like “facial disk” most harrier
species are known for suddenly seems to take on a literal significance.
It’s not news to many of you that many “diurnal” raptor
species have been observed migrating well after nightfall. Osprey, in particular, are renowned for
making nocturnal journeys even over the Gulf of Mexico. Northern Harrier and Peregrine Falcon are
also known to be nocturnal transients with some regularity. And, drawing from my own experience, an
evening “moonwatching” party with colleagues overseas last September proved
particularly fruitful when we observed a Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus and a Montagu’s/Pallid Harrier(*1) flutter
purposefully southbound somewhere between us and a nearly full moon. We were astonished. In any case, it’s probably not surprising
that the nocturnal habits of many of our diurnal raptor species are not
particularly well-studied, and I can’t help but feel that the nocturnal ecology
even in our own backyards is almost as much a frontier for field ornithology in
some respects as any exotic locale in the world. (*1: It is not always possible to reliably separate Montagu’s Harrier C. pygargus
and Pallid Harrier C. macrourus in the field. Even in broad daylight.)
Partly inspired by my experience overseas, and to try to
work with (rather than against) a sleeping rhythm “disorder” I’ve had for much
of my life, I decided to see how I could leverage my nocturnal proclivities and enjoy birdwatching at times of day when most people are tucked in
their beds, drooling into a pillow. This
really isn’t as insane as it probably sounds.
Apart from owls, songbirds migrate predominantly at night, and the
nightjars and many seabird species are known to be far livelier when the sun is
far below the horizon than when it is above it.
Granted, you can’t use many of the same strategies for watching/counting
birds at night that you can in daytime, but there’s still an awful lot you can do!
A neat first step into the realm of
nocturnal birdwatching is to leverage the pioneering work in bioacoustics done
by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and build yourself a simple microphone in a re-purposed flowerpot, using it to listen to the call “signatures” of
migrating songbirds. During peak
periods, this can be a great deal of fun; and it can also be very humbling, as you soon
realize how many birds are flying over your head that you can’t easily put a
name to (zeep?). But put up a pot of tea
and give it a spin, listening to the microphone "live" using a pair of
headphones while relaxing in bed or your favorite easy-chair. It’s a surprisingly nice way to “kill” an
![]() |
My second-hand Baigish 6 NV binocular. It's lighter than it looks! |
But for me, the vintage Russian military GEN2 nightvision unit that arrived in the
mail two weeks ago might be the real "game changer." Nightvision units (sometimes
erroneously called “starlight scopes," and not to be confused with thermal imagers) are highly sensitive optical instruments
designed to greatly amplify low levels of ambient lighting, enabling you to effectively
“see in the dark.” Looking through an
old nightvision (NV) binocular is not like looking through a good daytime
binocular. If you’ve ever seen Gulf
War-era news footage of Baghad airstrikes at night (a grim recall, sorry about
that!), then you already have a pretty good idea of what to expect: the view
through these is grainy, starkly monochromatic with a tendency toward oversaturation, and virtually absent of color apart from
a green cast. NV technology has advanced a lot in twenty years, but for someone new to nocturnal birding with not a lot of discretionary income for these kinds of purchases, even a Soviet-era design opens up an entirely new
world! While animals still have the firm
advantage at night, any NV unit kicks wildlife observation up a few
notches: surveying a pond at night, you can see sleeping ducks, swimming
muskrats, and you stand a good chance of detecting whatever else might be asleep or
poking about near the water's edge. If
you know a couple common roosting areas for vultures in daytime, this is a good
way to find out how many might be staying the night. If you’re visiting local grassland preserves
(as I plan to be doing this week) you now have the capability to check whether the
wintering Northern Harrier reported earlier in the day are hunting nocturnally as
you make your rounds. (I'll definitely report back should I observe this!) There are a lot of
possibilities, although if it isn't apparent by now, NV is no panacea; it has very definite strengths and weaknesses.
I’ll also mention
that when I go birdwatching in the evening, I now usually bring my NV unit and
my normal daytime 7X binocular. The
reason is that most daytime binoculars are not only superior to NV units in
terms of magnification, field of view, resolution, and (most obviously) color
rendition, but they still “capture” more light than the naked eye and therefore
often yield better views in the dark than you might expect. Using the two binoculars in turns can be
surprisingly effective: use your daytime glass to take in
everything that you are able to see of your surroundings, then use the NV unit
to fill in the remaining “dark spaces” that you couldn’t resolve with your day
glass. With snow on the ground, when under
bright moonlight, or under overcast skies reflecting light pollution from a nearby town (or any combination of these three!), the utility of having both glasses only improves.
Good Hawkwatching,
Literature Cited
Scott D. 2010. The Hen Harrier: In the Shadow of the Slemish. Whittles Publishing.
Simmons R. 2000. Harriers
of the World: Their Behaviour and Ecology. Oxford University Press.
Didn't some fellow at the Empire State Building in Manhattan discover that Ospreys migrate at night...that Peregrine Falcons regularly hunt night migrants...that fellow might even provide a list of the known raptor species that have been observed flying or migrating at night...and a summary of what is known about Peregrines hunting at night...